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Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Work at Home Jobs Daily for 01/24/12

From the Desk of  Kelly:

OH my gosh - the weather outside today is incredible! This has been the weirdest winter that I can ever remember. It's like late Spring outside today. I  have windows open!  And I live way up in the mountains of western NC!? I like the nice weather - but I still think it's bizarre. I'll take anything over all the dreary rain though. We're soggy-city here! We need the sun to come out and dry us out a bit.

Grabbed an afternoon cup of coffee - since I didn't drink any this morning and I'm busy here at my desk getting my TO DO list done. I am actually feeling much more energized now that I  am walking in the evenings. And we walk FAST. At first I was like... I cannot do this. I was out of breath and could hardly keep up a conversation. But my body is surprising me. It is adapting and   getting stronger. And I have to say, walking with a friend outside is so
much more fun than the treadmill in the gloomy basement.

I think sometimes we get out of shape and we feel tired - and we just kinda shut down. We eat crap like chips and cookies and crackers - and I am GUILTY of this TOO. But all that gunk that isn't good for us (preservatives, food colorings, chemicals, too much sugar), it's a toxin in our bodies (even though we THINK it's making us feel better). Those toxins trap fat. We just feel more and more tired and we eat more junk to rev us up and we gain more weight and that cycle just continues until YOU stop it or your health bottoms out and you get serious about it.

I have a new rule for eating....

If I can't pronounce what's in it or it has more than 5 ingredients - I don't want to put it in my body (the only body I get!!! Can't trade it in!). I had a naturopathic doctor once ask me how I nurture my body. I was like..."What do you mean??" She said... "what do you feed your body? How do you reward your body?" I still didn't really get it. She said.... "Because of your body, you are able to walk and do your job, play with your kids, read a book, garden ....etc. How do you care for this body that allows you to do so many amazing things every day?" So.... hmmm....
well, I was eating crap, so wasn't really nurturing it nutrition wise. I ate chips at lunch and cookies. I'd grab a granola bar (IE: candy bar) when I was in a hurry. Lots of sugaring drinks from Starbucks. And I sat in a computer chair all day, worked 15-16 hour days and never had regular sleep hours. THIS was how I was REWARDING my body???

And I wondered why 12 pounds crept up and I felt tired. Why was I pre-diabetic? Why was I having panic attacks? And the acne? Really - zits at 40?

I was reaping what I was sowing. Anyone else out there think this sounds familiar?

So now I take high quality supplements, I'm using the progesterone cream to balance the estrogen dominance that I have going on, I eat WAY better. WAY better. I always thought I was a good eater - because I eat so many veggies. But damn... I loved the chips and dips, brownies, cookies, cheese and crackers.... It's great that I ate tons of salads, but when I top it off with Oreos and Doritos -- well, I just zero'd out the salad. LOL

I am exercising more now and letting this poor body do what it was made to do - which is NOT sitting all damn day. I am stretching MANY times a day - even right at my desk. And one thing that I am doing that I think I needed more than anything - I am visiting with friends. I am out more. Coffee with Hilary, lunch with Sasha, walking with Jerry, visiting with Alyce. All these wonderful people I was just neglecting - JUST like my body.

So I feel really good today. Happy, energized and ready to ENJOY my day - not wish it away. I really hope you are feeling the same way. If not - try and make some changes - even if it's baby steps - it's something. The same with searching for work at home - keep looking, broaden your scope, stay optimistic.

Have a super awesome Tuesday!!

The info you're really wanting....

Today's Daily Dozen Job Post for January 24, 2012 have been made. Be sure to check out all the jobs listed. Share this email with others that might be looking for work too.


How is Kelly making money at home right now?

(actually won $650!!)

Fusion Cash
Treasure Trooper

Almost $600 a month from these programs and counting!

Home businesses that Kelly currently earns an income with?


Over $1100 a month with Avon, both selling and recruiting.

This is how she is able to stay home and work.


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